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Cathy Stinear (Auckland/NZ)

Cathy Stinear is a Professor at Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland. Her research specialisation is in stroke recovery and rehabilitation. As an applied clinical neuroscientist, she is focused on translating neuroscience discoveries into clinical practice.

Her current work is using neurophysiology and neuroimaging biomarkers to accurately predict motor outcomes after stroke for individual patients. She has led the development and validation of the PREP2 tool for predicting upper limb outcomes after stroke. PREP2 is now routine clinical care at several hospitals. She is a co-PI on the VERIFY study, a 30-site NIH-funded project that will validate the PREP2 tool with 650+ patients in the US setting. She is also developing and validating the TWIST tool for predicting walking recovery after stroke. She is regularly invited to present her work at international conferences in Asia, North America, South America, Europe, and Australasia, and has authored over 120 peer-reviewed publications.

Professor Stinear is also part of the University's leadership team, as Ihonuku Tōkeke | Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity. In this role, she leads the University's activities to create a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment, that upholds the mana | dignity of students and staff, and where everyone can thrive.