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Vladimir Hachinski (London/CA)

Vladimir Hachinski, CM, MD, DSc, FRCPC, FRSC, Doctor honoris causa4, is a Distinguished University Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology and a Scientist at the Robarts Research Institute, Western University, Canada. He has published 17 books and over 1,000 articles. He was President of the World Federation of Neurology. He introduced the concept of vascular cognitive impairment - the vascular treatable and preventable component of dementias and devised the Hachinski ischemic score to identify it. He leads a multidisciplinary Dementia Prevention/Brain Health Initiative. In 2022 he won the Potamkin Prize, considered the “Nobel Prize” in dementia and in 2024 the Ryman Prize for “the world’s best discovery, development, advance or achievement that enhances quality of life for older people”.

Ryman Prize lecture