Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Prior to the Congress
Speakers must inform the conference participants about any conflict of interest (COI). This information includes details about financial interests, affiliations and relationships that could be perceived as conflicting. It is imperative to address COIs promptly and transparently to maintain the integrity and credibility of our congress. All COIs must be announced to the organizers for the implementation into the online programme at least 2 weeks before the conference.
Speakers must continuously monitor their conflicts of interest and promptly update their disclosures if any new COIs arise before or during the meeting. If speakers have COIs that could potentially affect their presentations, they must prepare transparency statements to acknowledge this on the second slide of their presentation. During the presentation, speakers must openly acknowledge any relevant conflicts of interest they have disclosed and reassure the audience of their commitment to maintaining objectivity and integrity.
Please use this template in your presentation slides. The template can be used both if there are conflicts and if there are no conflicts.
For poster presentations, the text from the template should be used to declare any potential COIs on the poster itself.
Shortly Prior to or During the Congress
The following policy outlines the steps to be taken should a previously undisclosed COI become apparent to a participant shortly prior to or during the congress:
Disclosure: If a person becomes aware of a previously undisclosed conflict of interest, they must disclose it via email to and to, using the text included in the provided template.
Reporting: If an undeclared COI becomes known to the congress organizer, delegates, or a member of the Scientific Programme Committee, immediate action will be taken to address the issue.
Notification: If a relevant COI is not declared, the organizers will send a note to the speaker involved, notifying them of the discrepancy and reminding them of the importance of adhering to the COI policy in the future. The participants will be notified that the organizers are aware and have taken steps to mitigate future occurrences.
Lectures and oral presentations of abstracts
Please bring the slides and any other materials for your lecture or oral presentation of an abstract to the congress on a portable device with a USB-A connector (e.g. a flash drive) and submit them at the Media Centre, located in the exhibition hall. We ask that you do so in good time, ideally the day before, but no later than 2 hours before your presentation or lecture is due to begin.
Please prepare your slides as a pdf or a PowerPoint file in 16:9 landscape format. Use standard formats for video or audio files (avi, wmv, mpg) and submit them separately from your slides. In the meeting rooms you will find a lectern with a laptop as well as a remote to switch through your slides. If you plan to use non-digital media, please let us know in advance.
The poster presentations will take place in the exhibition hall. Each presenter will be allocated a space. Please find the spot for your poster when you arrive at the congress and hang up your poster as soon as possible. Thumbtacks will be available at the poster walls. Each poster presenter will also be allocated a 2-hour time slot during which they should be with their poster to answer questions. Details about this will be sent out once the allocation is finished.
Please prepare all posters in physical form, there is no option to present them on a screen. Posters must be size A0 and prepared in portrait orientation.